4 Reasons You Should Get Braces as an Adult

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braces Santa Clara, CA

You may have always associated braces with younger people, but older patients are viable candidates too. Like children, preteens and teenagers, adults can face cosmetic and oral health conditions such as crooked teeth, bite dysfunctions and overcrowding in the mouth. You should not have to live with these challenges any longer when a variety of treatments are available at your dentist’s office.

Description of braces

Braces are made of metal, usually stainless steel. Different components make up traditional braces, including brackets, wires and elastics. The brackets place pressure on the teeth and slowly but constantly move the affected teeth into the desired place. The dentist uses initial X-rays and a mold to determine what teeth need to move, how they should move and what needs to happen to achieve these goals. The dentist will make regular adjustments by tightening the elastics, adding spacers and power chains, and even recommending other equipment such as headgear.

Never a bad time

Some adults think braces are only for adolescents. Thus, the patient may put off orthodontic treatment or dismiss the idea. However, today, more older patients than ever find solutions to overbites, underbites, crossbites, misaligned teeth and other troubling issues. Treatment for some in their middle ages can be just as effective as someone who just lost the last baby tooth.

Improved self-image

If a person does not like their appearance, it can be difficult to be in social settings. Meeting new people, developing relationships and even finding fulfillment at work can be a challenge if the person is unhappy with their smile. Straight teeth can bring more self-esteem and peace of mind. Think of the newfound sense of excitement a person can feel with a new smile.

Good oral health

Aesthetics are not the only reason to get braces. When a person has crooked teeth, it is more difficult to reach all the teeth and every part of a tooth with a toothbrush. Orthodontic treatment can bring the teeth into proper alignment, making brushing more effective. This can reduce the risk of cavities and infections.

Teeth keep moving

Some people are fortunate to grow up with a healthy set of teeth. Other patients may enter adulthood with straight teeth and no bite issues. This does not mean problems cannot develop later in life. Teeth will continue to shift, so a person who once had an attractive smile may eventually need braces to correct problems. The patient can get results with braces in as little as a year. Even the most severe conditions should not require more than three years of treatment.

Now you know

You no longer have to make excuses or put off getting braces. This orthodontic treatment can help you reach your goals and feel good about your smile. There are many benefits to straightening your teeth, both physically and emotionally. The sooner you start your treatment, the sooner you can correct the issues that you have been facing with your teeth and jaw. Call and make an appointment today with your dentist.

Are you considering getting braces in the Santa Clara area? Get more information at https://yousmiledental.com.

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